Partners seeking entry clearance, leave to remain, or indefinite leave to remain in the UK must demonstrate English language proficiency, with the required level increasing at each stage of the application process. This post outlines how partners can demonstrate they meet the English requirement for their Partner Visa and the specific levels required at each stage. The term “partners” includes fiancé(e)s, proposed civil partners, spouses, civil partners, unmarried partners, and same-sex partners.

Applicants in the partner routes must meet at least level A1 or A2 of the CEFR in speaking and listening skills, depending on the stage of their application. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a six-level scale that describes language proficiency, which includes Basic Speaker (A1, A2), Independent Speaker (B1, B2) and Proficient Speaker (C1, C2). Level A1 corresponds to a basic speaker who can understand and use simple everyday expressions and basic phrases. At this level, individuals can introduce themselves, and ask and answer basic questions about personal details, such as where they live and people they know.

Applicants must meet the following English language requirements based on the stage of their application:

  • Entry Clearance: Must demonstrate English proficiency at a minimum of CEFR Level A1.
  • Leave to Remain: Must demonstrate English proficiency at a minimum of CEFR Level A2.
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain: Must demonstrate English proficiency at a minimum of CEFR Level B1.

How to Satisfy the English Language Requirement for a UK Spouse Visa

All Partner Visa applicants should ensure they provide the necessary documentation to prove their English proficiency at the time of application, in line with the detailed requirements specified in Appendix FM-SE. Applicants can satisfy the English language requirement through one of the following methods:

Nationality of a Majority English-Speaking Country

Applicants who are citizens of a majority English-speaking country are automatically deemed to meet the requirement. Eligible countries are listed in Appendix FM, paragraph GEN.1.6, and include the following countries:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Australia
  • the Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • the British overseas territories
  • Canada
  • Dominica
  • Grenada
  • Guyana
  • Jamaica
  • Malta
  • New Zealand
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Lucia
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • USA

This applies to all stages of the application process. A dual national may invoke either of their nationalities.

Academic Qualification

UK Academic Qualification: Holding a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree awarded by a UK institution automatically satisfies the requirement.

Non-UK Academic Qualification: If awarded outside the UK the degree must be deemed by an organisation called Ecctis (formerly UK NARIC) to meet or exceed the recognised standard of a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD in the UK, and be taught or researched in English at or above the required CEFR level. Ectiss will give you a statement of comparability or a visa and nationality statement to prove your qualification meets the requirements.

If the degree is from a majority English-speaking country, it will be assumed that the qualification meets the English language requirement. If not, applicants must provide further evidence from Ecctis, in the form of a Statement of Comparability, to show that they have the qualification and that it was taught or researched in English at or above the required CEFR level. 

You will need to provide your original academic qualification certificate showing your name, award, date of award, the name of the awarding institution, and confirmation that the course was taught or researched in English.

Approved English Language Test

Partner Visa applicants can pass a Secure English Language Test (SELT) in speaking and listening at the required CEFR level, provided the test is from a Home Office-approved provider. It is important to ensure that the test provider remains approved at the time of application. 

If you are in the UK

You can only take a SELT with one of the following providers:

  • LanguageCert
  • Pearson
  • Trinity College London
  • IELTS SELT Consortium

If you are outside of the UK

You can only take a SELT with one of the following providers:

  • LanguageCert
  • Pearson
  • PSI Services (UK) Ltd – Skills for English (UKVI)
  • IELTS SELT Consortium

For your results to be accepted, your test must:

  • be on the list of approved English language tests
  • have been sat at an approved test location
  • have been awarded in the two years before the date of your application

Applicants may attempt the English language test multiple times until they achieve the required CEFR level.

Applicants may opt to take a higher-level test to meet future requirements, thereby avoiding the need to retake a test at each stage. 

Exemptions from the English Language Requirement

Certain applicants are exempt from the English language requirement, including:

  • Age: Applicants aged 65 or over.
  • Disability: Applicants with a physical or mental condition that prevents them from learning English or taking the test.
  • Exceptional Circumstances: Applicants who can demonstrate that they cannot reasonably be expected to meet the requirement due to exceptional circumstances, such as residing in a conflict zone, hospitalization, or being a full-time carer for a disabled child.

In all cases, the applicant must provide evidence to support their exemption claim.

How we can help 

For advice or assistance with your Partner Visa application from an experienced adviser, contact our professional team at +44208 757 5751 or use our contact form

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