UK Immigration Blog

For advice or assistance, contact our team at + 44 (0)20 8757 5751.


High Potential Individual Visa FAQs

If you're a recent graduate from a top global university looking to work or explore job opportunities in the United Kingdom, the High Potential...
UK Visa fee changes 2023

Immigration Fee Changes in 2023

In a significant development, the UK government has recently unveiled a series of impending changes that will impact individuals and organizations...
Good character updates 2023

UK Citizenship Update

On July 30, 2023, the UK Government unveiled substantial modifications to the good character requirement for individuals seeking British...
Graduate Visa FAQs

UK Graduate Visa FAQs

If you're a student considering studying in the United Kingdom or have recently graduated from a UK institution, the UK Graduate Visa might be of...
Skilled Worker vIsa job changes

UK Skilled Worker Visa Changes Guide

Are you considering changing jobs in the UK as a skilled worker? If so, you might be wondering how this change could potentially impact your...
Unmarried Partner Visa Application

Unmarried Partner Visa FAQs

Applying for a UK Unmarried Partner Visa can be a complex and overwhelming process, especially when faced with the intricacies of immigration rules...
SET M Application FORM

Set M Application Guidance 2023

If you are considering settling in the UK and seeking the freedom to live and work without restrictions, you may be eligible to apply for Indefinite...
Life in the UK Test FAQs

Life in the UK test FAQs 2023

The Life in the UK Test is an essential step for those seeking British citizenship or settlement in the United Kingdom. It is a significant...
Can I travel after submitting UK Visa Application

Travel After Visa Application

In the ever-changing field of UK immigration, most visa applicants who are already in the country follow a common practice of retaining their...
Immigration Application Fee

UK Immigration Fees to Increase

On July 13, 2023, the UK Government made an announcement regarding the forthcoming increase in the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) by 66%. The...
UK Spouse Visa Property Rental Income

Property Rental Income for Spouse Visa 

Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules encompasses the rules for family members of British nationals, including unmarried partners, fiancés, spouses,...
UK Visa Fees

UK Visa Application Fees 2023

UK Visas & Immigration, also commonly referred to as UKVI, is the division of the Home Office responsible for the UK’s visa system. The UKVI...
Housing report UK spouse visa

Housing Report for UK Spouse Visa

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of a property inspection report for a UK partner visa. For a successful application, the evidence...

UK Ancestry Visa ILR

In this post, we discuss the process of applying for settlement in the UK based on the Ancestry visa route. With an Ancestry Visa, you have the...
English speaking countries UK Visa

UK Visa English Speaking Countries List

When applying for a UK visa that requires an English Language Test, individuals from English-speaking countries are exempt from this requirement. In...
Spouse visa extension application

Spouse Visa Extension Application 2023

If you are currently residing in the UK on a Spouse Visa and wish to extend your stay, it's important to understand the application process for the...
Frontier Worker Permit

Frontier Worker Permit 

In today's world, the traditional concept of living and working in close proximity has been dramatically transformed by modern transportation and...
UK Visa Document Translations

Document Translations for UK Visa

This post will explore the document translation requirements for UK visa applications. Applying for a Work, Family or Visit visa to the UK can be a...

What is the OISC?

The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) is a regulatory body established by the UK Government to safeguard the provision of...
10 Year ILR Long Residence

ILR 10 Years Long Residence Application

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) allows you to remain in the UK without any time limit and the ability to work and study without restrictions. ILR...

HPI Visa Application Process

The United Kingdom is one of the world's most attractive destinations for talented individuals who wish to work and develop their careers. The High...
UK Spouse Visa

UK Spouse Visa FAQs

If you plan to apply for a UK spouse visa, you may have many questions about the application process and requirements. In this post, we'll answer...
Switch to UK Skilled Worker Visa

Switch to Skilled Worker Visa

This post will explore the rules for switching to a Skilled Worker Visa, previously known as the Tier 2 (General) Work Visa. As businesses across...

SET M Application Documents

Individuals in a relationship with a British citizen or a settled person who intend to settle in the UK may consider applying for Indefinite Leave...
Find a UK Immigration Adviser

Find a UK Immigration Adviser

If you're planning to move to the UK or extend your stay, navigating the UK immigration system can be a complex and overwhelming process. There are...
UK Proposed Civil Partner Visa Application

UK Proposed Civil Partner Application

The Proposed Civil Partner or Fiance visa is a UK visa category that allows non-British partners to enter the country to enter into a civil...
UK Ancestry Visa

UK Ancestry Visa FAQs

The UK Ancestry visa is a popular option for individuals who have a grandparent born in the UK and want to live and work here. This visa category...
British Citizenship CSI

British Citizenship Application & CSI 

The Nationality and Border Act 2022, introduced on June 28, 2022, has simplified the process of obtaining British citizenship for EU nationals....
Civil Partner Visa Application UK

UK Civil Partnership Visa

The UK Civil Partnership Visa allows individuals in a recognised civil partnership to reside and work in the UK with their partner. The visa...
OISC Immigration Adviser

Benefits of OISC Immigration Advisers

The United Kingdom's immigration system can be a complex and confusing process for those seeking to enter or stay in the country. The rules and...
BNO Visa Application

Hong Kong BN(O) Visa Application FAQs

The BN(O) Visa route gives applicants the right to work and study in the UK and access public services such as healthcare and schools. Eventually,...
UK Skilled Worker Visa Application FAQs

Skilled Worker Visa Application FAQs

This post will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the UK Skilled Worker Visa application process. Whether you're a skilled...
UK Family Visa Application

UK Spouse Visa Financial Requirement

The Appendix FM Immigration Rules are part of the United Kingdom's immigration law and set out the financial requirements that must be met by...
How to choose UK Immigration Adviser?

How to choose a UK Immigration Adviser?

When navigating the UK immigration system, having the right adviser can make all the difference. This post explores how to choose the right UK...
UK Fiance Visa FAQs

UK Fiance Visa FAQs

Are you planning to bring your fiance to the UK to get married? If so, consider applying for a UK fiance visa. This type of visa allows the fiance...

Hong Kong BNO Visa – How to Apply

What is a BNO Visa? The British National (Overseas) visa is a UK settlement route for British National Overseas status holders who usually reside in...

No Time Limit (NTL) Application

A No Time Limit (NTL) application allows those who have old-style immigration documents or those who have lost them to upgrade to a biometric...
Police Registration Certificate Abolisedh

Police Registration Scheme Abolished

From 4 August 2022 onwards, the Government decided to abolish the Police Registration Scheme. You no longer need to register with the UK police...
Youth Mobility Scheme Visa

Youth Mobility Scheme Visa Application

The Youth Mobility Scheme visa is for young adults from certain countries who wish to experience life in the United Kingdom. Although this route...
BRP Expired

BRP card expiring on 31 December 2024? 

If you have been granted leave to remain or even indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the UK in recent years, you would have been issued a Biometric...
Switch Student to Spouse Visa

Switch Tier 4 Student to UK Spouse Visa

Updated on 10 October 2023 International students in the UK who are married to British Citizens or settled persons can switch to the Spouse Visa...

Indefinite Leave to Remain FAQs

Updated on 10 October 2023 Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is an immigration term that means permanent residency or settlement in the UK. It is...
Spouse visa english requirement

UK Partner Visa English Language Guide

The English language requirement for applicants joining their partners in the UK was introduced on 29 November 2010. Under the Immigration Rules...
BRP Card

BRP Card Information and Application

A biometric residence permit (also known as a BRP card) is a physical card, similar in size to a credit card or a UK driving license which is used...
UK Visa Refusal Reasons

Reasons why your UK Visa can be refused

The process of applying for a visa can be extremely time-consuming as well as expensive. To avoid getting a refusal you must not make any mistakes...
British Citizenship Cost

British Citizenship Application Fees

Updated on 15 October 2023 The British Citizenship fee as of 04 October 2023 is £1,580 and remains unchanged from last year. This is the cost for...