Power of Attorney for India – Guide for NRIs

by | May 30, 2024 | Indian Law, Power of Attorney

Managing legal affairs in India while residing outside the country can be a complex and challenging task. Whether you are an Indian expatriate, a Non-Resident Indian (NRI), or a person of Indian origin (PIO), navigating the intricacies of property management, sale, purchase, or litigation from abroad requires a strategic approach. This is where a Power of Attorney (POA) for India becomes invaluable. In this post, we explore what a Power of Attorney is, its types, how to execute it, and why it is crucial for managing your affairs in India seamlessly.

Understanding Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a form of agency and is governed by The Powers of Attorney Act, 1882 and the Indian Contract Act, 1872. It is a legal document that grants one person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) the authority to act on behalf of another person (the principal) in legal or financial matters. This authority can be broad or limited, depending on the specific terms set out in the document. For NRIs, a Power of Attorney for India is an essential tool to manage various legal responsibilities without being physically present in the country.

Types of Power of Attorney

Granting authority to someone to act on your behalf can have significant legal consequences for both the issuer and the authorized person. Regardless of the purpose, extent of powers granted, or duration of the Power of Attorney, it is important to understand the associated consequences and responsibilities.

There are primarily two types of Power of Attorney that NRIs can use to manage their affairs in India:

General Power of Attorney (GPA)

A General Power of Attorney grants broad powers to the agent to act on behalf of the principal in a variety of matters. These may include managing bank accounts, signing checks, buying or selling property, handling tax returns, and more. A GPA is comprehensive and is typically used when the principal is unable to attend to multiple matters themselves.

Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

A Special Power of Attorney is more limited in scope and grants the agent authority to perform specific tasks or represent the principal in particular transactions. For example, an SPA can be executed to authorize someone to sell a property, handle litigation on a particular case, or manage a specific financial transaction. This type of POA is useful when the principal needs to delegate authority for a single task or a series of tasks within a limited scope.

Indian Power of Attorney Services

Executing a Power of Attorney for India

Executing a Power of Attorney involves several steps, especially when it is being done from abroad. Here’s a step-by-step guide for NRIs to execute a POA for India:

Step 1: Preparing documents

Having the correct documents is essential when creating any legal binding document, especially an Indian POA. These documents must be valid not only for drafting purposes but also for presentation to the relevant authorities later. Without the proper documents, a valid Indian POA cannot be created. 

To ensure a smooth process, gather all necessary and valid documents beforehand such as valid proof of identity and residence. This preparation will help avoid delays and ensure the POA is legally sound and accepted by all required parties.

Step 2: Drafting the POA

The second step is to draft the Power of Attorney document in a format and manner under Indian law that is acceptable to the Indian authorities. It is recommended to consult a legal professional to ensure the document is accurately drafted, includes all necessary powers, and meets Indian legal requirements.

In India, a Power of Attorney typically requires two witnesses to sign the document. The witnesses should not be related to the principal and/or do not benefit from the Power of Attorney. Ideally, they should be friends, associates, or neighbours.

Step 3: Attestation

Once the Power of Attorney is drafted, it needs to be attested by the appropriate authority in your country of residence before sending the POA to India.

The Indian Evidence Act 1872 specifies that a power of attorney executed before and authenticated by a Notary Public is presumed by the Court to be so executed and authenticated. Hence, a POA should be notarised by a qualified notary public and then attested by the Indian Consulate or Embassy to ensure its validity in India, for example, the High Commission of India, Holborn.

The Power of Attorney may be notarized by a Notary Public who may be familiar with the requirements of an Indian power of attorney, but this is not mandatory.

Step 4: Registration

After the document is attested, it must be sent to India for registration with the Sub-Registrar’s office. This step is important for the POA to be legally binding and enforceable in India as provided for by Section 18 of The Registration Act 1908. 

The agent or a representative in India can handle the registration process on behalf of the principal. If the receiving local authorities or officers in India find the contents of the Power of Attorney ambiguous or they deem the format/structure inappropriate under Indian Law, they may refuse to register the document.

India is a vast country with multiple states. They follow respective rules and guidelines, therefore the execution formalities or process of executing Power of Attorney abroad may not be uniform or similar for all states. 

Step 5: Stamp Duty

In India, stamp duty is payable on the execution of a Power of Attorney. The amount of stamp duty varies from state to state and depends on the nature of the POA. Ensuring that the appropriate stamp duty is paid is essential to avoid legal complications.

Key Uses of Power of Attorney for NRIs

A Power of Attorney for India is a versatile tool that can be used for various purposes. Here are some common scenarios where NRIs might need to execute a POA:

Property Management

Managing property in India from abroad can be daunting. A POA allows an agent to handle tasks such as renting out property, collecting rent, managing maintenance, and paying property taxes. This ensures that the property is well-managed without the principal needing to be physically present.

Property Sale and Purchase

Buying or selling property in India involves several legal formalities and paperwork. An NRI can execute a POA to authorize an agent to complete these transactions on their behalf. The agent can handle negotiations, sign agreements, and complete the registration process, making it convenient for the principal to manage real estate transactions from abroad.

Financial Transactions

NRIs often need to manage bank accounts, investments, and other financial assets in India. A POA enables the agent to operate bank accounts, make investments, redeem financial instruments, and handle tax matters, ensuring that the principal’s financial interests are managed efficiently.

Litigation and Legal Matters

Legal proceedings in India require the presence of the concerned parties or their representatives. A POA allows an agent to represent the principal in court cases, arbitration, and other legal matters. This is particularly useful for NRIs who are involved in legal disputes or need to initiate legal proceedings in India.

Business Operations

NRIs who own businesses in India can use a POA to delegate authority to an agent to manage business operations, sign contracts, and make decisions on their behalf. This ensures that the business runs smoothly in the principal’s absence.

Advantages of Using a Power of Attorney

Using a Power of Attorney offers several benefits for NRIs:


A POA provides the convenience of managing affairs in India without the need for frequent travel. This is particularly beneficial for NRIs who live far from India and have busy schedules.

Legal Compliance

A properly executed and registered POA ensures that all actions taken by the agent are legally binding and recognized by Indian authorities. This reduces the risk of legal disputes and ensures compliance with Indian laws.


NRIs can customize the POA to suit their specific needs. Whether it’s a General Power of Attorney for broad authority or a Special Power of Attorney for specific tasks, the principal can tailor the document to their requirements.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that a trusted agent is managing affairs in India provides peace of mind to NRIs. This is especially important for those who have significant assets or ongoing legal matters in India.

Important Considerations

While a Power of Attorney is a powerful tool, there are important considerations to keep in mind:

Choosing the Right Agent

The agent appointed under a POA should be someone trustworthy and reliable. The agent will have significant authority, so it is crucial to choose someone who will act in the principal’s best interests.

Clarity of Powers

The POA should clearly outline the powers granted to the agent. Vague or overly broad powers can lead to misuse or legal challenges. It is important to specify the exact tasks the agent is authorized to perform.


A POA can be revoked at any time by the principal. It is important to follow the proper legal procedure for revocation and notify all relevant parties to avoid any unauthorized actions by the agent.

Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice when drafting and executing a POA is crucial. A legal professional can ensure that the document complies with all legal requirements and addresses the principal’s needs effectively.

A Power of Attorney for India is an indispensable tool for NRIs and expatriates who need to manage their legal and financial affairs in India from abroad. Whether it is for property management, real estate transactions, financial dealings, or legal representation, a well-executed POA provides the necessary authority and flexibility to ensure that your interests are protected and managed efficiently. 

How we can help

By understanding the process and key considerations, NRIs can effectively leverage a Power of Attorney to navigate the complexities of managing affairs in India seamlessly and with confidence.

Contact our experienced legal team for professional advice and assistance with your Indian Power of Attorney, use our contact form or call us on 0208 757 5751. 

Frequently asked questions 

Can an NRI execute a POA while residing outside India?

An NRI can execute a POA from their country of residence. However, it’s essential to ensure that the document complies with the laws of both India and the country where it is executed.

Can an NRI revoke or cancel a POA for a property sale?

An NRI may revoke or cancel a POA at any time if necessary. The revocation process typically involves following legal procedures and notifying all relevant parties involved.

Who can be appointed as an attorney for NRI property sales?

Any trustworthy and capable individual can be appointed as an attorney, such as a family member, friend, or legal advisor.

How long does it take to complete the sale of NRI property through POA?

The timeline for completing the sale process may vary depending on various factors such as negotiations, legal formalities, and market conditions. However, having a POA in place can expedite the process by allowing the attorney to act promptly on behalf of the NRI.

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